'Dam Safety Insights' podcast series
Dam Safety Insights is a series of podcasts designed to help declared dam owners, and their consultants, comply with the dam safety laws in NSW.
We are trialling the podcast format and are keen to get your feedback.
Operations and maintenance plans

Episode #1: the importance of operations and maintenance plans
Every declared dam in NSW needs an operations and maintenance plan. Hear why these plans are so important, who needs to write them and when. (10 mins, 45 sec)

Episode #2: dam operating procedures, and procedures and limits for plant and equipment
In this episode, learn about the operating procedures that need to be documented in an operations and maintenance plan and some common non-compliances seen by DSNSW during audits of declared dams. (7 mins, 14 secs)

Episode #3: normal, abnormal and extreme operation loading conditions
What are normal, abnormal and extreme operation loading conditions? And what impact do they have on the procedures in your operations and maintenance plan? Find out in this episode, featuring our Principal Dam Safety Engineer. (3 mins, 43 sec)

Episode #4: alarm triggering in the operations and maintenance plan
Operations and maintenance plans must include the details of each circumstance in which an alarm will be triggered in respect of the dam and what will happen afterwards. Hear about the types of alarms this requirement covers in this short podcast episode. (2 mins, 40 sec)

Episode #5: dam maintenance in the operations and maintenance plan
Dam maintenance is critical. Find out what needs to be included in your operations and maintenance plan about dam maintenance in this short podcast with Dams Safety NSW staff. (5 mins, 22 sec)
Episode #6: public safety procedures and security measures
DSNSW auditors commonly identify gaps in operations and maintenance plans related to public safety procedures and security measures. Listen to our Principal Policy Officer talking about some of the things declared dam owners need to do to be compliant and safe. (4 mins, 21 sec)
Emergency exercises
Episode #1: emergency exercises
Emergency exercises help ensure organisations, communities and stakeholders like the NSW SES are well-prepared to respond in the unlikely event of a dam emergency. Learn about the exercises that declared dam owners are required to do, our approach to compliance with this part of the regulation, and where you can get help to plan and deliver an emergency exercise. (7 mins, 3 sec)